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Welcome to my website

I would describe myself as an academic social scientist, an author and, most recently, a poet.


I was also a journalist for a couple of years early on in my career, writing for a variety of publications at the time - but that's another story.

Nicola Madge
Nicola Madge

These pages provide some information on what l have been up to, past and present. They briefly outline my academic career, list some selected books, and describe and provide links to my latest three works, one looking at the lives of women over sixty, another at the pandemic experience for men and women over seventy, and the third comprising a volume of (hopefully) humorous poems.

Do Join In!

The website also provides opportunities for anybody else to contribute.


Please do get in touch if you would like to join in by either writing a poem or reminiscing about the pandemic - or if you have any comments or questions.

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Pandemic Memories

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